The Arizona Department of Real Estate has introduced new application forms for all Public Report filings, available and effective immediately. The Public Report has also been renamed “Subdivision Disclosure Report”.

Under the Expedited Registration process, Rather than the full MS Word-formatted questionnaire of some 30 pages or more seeking answers for individual data-points required in the statutes, the new questionnaire is limited to just the signed affidavit portion where the Subdivider provides answers to questions such as “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”, and other details regarding the subdividing entity. This results in an application form of just about 5 pages.

The DRE began requiring, some time ago, that Subdividers prepare a draft form of the Public Report to be approved by the Department, saving DRE personnel the typing of the report itself. All required data-points are provided in that proposed document, making the full questionnaire superfluous.

The required form of draft report has also been revised to include an index or table of contents, among other cosmetic changes.

These are welcome changes, simplifying the approval process for Subdividers.

Application Form

Subdivision Disclosure Report (Public Report) Template